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A conservatorship in California is a legal principle that allows a person to take legal control of another person, usually a family member, to act on his or her behalf because he or she is elderly and no longer physically or mentally able to care for his or her own affairs. You may have a family member who has a serious long-term disability and needs ongoing help.

Once you establish a conservatorship, you, as the conservator will have legal authority to control that family member's personal and legal matters. In California, there are two types of conservatorships:

  • Conservator of the person — The conservator is responsible for the individual's personal affairs, including making health-related decisions and attending to his or her basic care needs to maintain a healthy standard of living.
  • Conservator of the estate — The conservator takes responsibility for the individual's financial affairs, including managing his or her income, debts and other financial assets. A conservator of the estate must file financial reports with the court on a regular basis.

At the Law Office of Susan J. Ralston, we can help you protect and preserve your loved one's assets and affairs through conservatorship. We assist families going through difficult problems with elderly parents, disabled adult children or even disabled spouses. If you are concerned about the welfare of someone you love in Lincoln, Rocklin, Roseville, or any community in Placer County or Sacramento County, we can help obtain a legal conservatorship. Attorney Susan J. Ralston will help you obtain the safety and protection of your family members.

Conservatorship vs. Guardianship

Guardianship is usually thought of applying to children. In some cases it may apply to senior citizens or disabled adults who cannot take care of themselves. A "guardian" for a child usually takes care of that child until the child is 18 years old, or the guardianship is terminated and the child is returned to his or her parents. Grandparents, extended relatives and close family members often obtain guardianship appointments for children when the parents are found unfit, are incapacitated or are unavailable to parent.

Our firm has extensive experience assisting grandparents and other relatives in establishing a legal guardianship to protect the well-being of the children they love. We also help parents set up legal guardianships so that the choice of a guardian is not left up to the court should anything happen to them.

We Can Help You Protect the Ones You Love

Conservatorships and guardianships can be confusing without experienced help. We will answer your questions and provide honest advice on what you can do to protect your loved ones. Contact our firm at 916-782-4747 to schedule a consultation with our lawyer for a conservatorship or guardianship.


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